Dr. Caroline Chisenga

Dip. Biomed. Sci., Graduate Cert. Biomed. Sci., MSc Biomed. Sci. PhD Immunology

Dr. Caroline is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Centre for Infectious Diseases Research in Zambia (CIDRZ) and works under the Enteric Disease and Vaccine Research Unit. She obtained her MSc in Northern Ireland Coleraine and her PhD degree in immunology from the University of Zambia.

Her current role revolves around planning, implementing, managing and documenting vaccine immune responses in adults as well as infants in clinical trial scenarios.

As a postdoctoral fellow, Caroline has been instrumental in the setting up the multiplex, polymerase chain reaction based Luminex x-TAG® gastrointestinal pathogen panel, cholera vibriocidal assay and the B-cell ELISPOT assay in Zambia and the region.

As an upcoming investigator, she also provides support to PhD and MSc students within her research unit and at Levy Mwanawasa Medical University.